A Yoga Therapy Course for Women’s Health and Wellbeing

Women’s Yoga Therapy Course
Yoga, Women’s Bodies and Women’s Wisdom

In this course you will acquire practical knowledge, yogic skills and tools for your growth, health and harmony as a woman. Although not limited to, this course has a particular focus on women’s menstrual health. It is helpful for any student, teacher, or teacher-in-training that would like to learn more about the role and tools of yoga specifically for women.

This course is designed as a whole, one class a week over 8 weeks. Each class will be 2 hours and will have a different theme, supported by the information and yoga practice that follows.

Week 1 Women and Yoga
Introducing Women, Yoga & Yoga Therapy.
Week 2 The Breath of Shakti
Women’s bodies breathing, how the breath affects our bodies and mind.
Week 3 Nature’s Rhythms
Honoring nature’s rhythms – inner and outer.
Week 4 Hormone Harmony
How your hormones affect your body’s balance and harmony.
Week 5 Feminine Flows
How prana flows through the body and how this influences our natural cycles as women.
Week 6 Moon Cycles
Women’s menstrual cycles in depth, and different practices to help keep our cycles healthy, regular and free of pain and discomfort.
Week 7 Rest and Relaxation
Introducing rest & relaxation techniques, meditative and yoga nidra practices for women, and their importance.
Week 8 Women’s Wisdom
Learning to explore and honour the innate wisdom of the Divine Feminine within.